All results for "violence"

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Violence in Allegheny County: Interactive Dashboard

Allegheny County Department of Human Services developed these dashboards to provide information to the community about violence trends in Allegheny County and the City of Pittsburgh.

Homicides in Allegheny County and Pittsburgh

Homicide data from 2016 to 2021 is analyzed by location, weapons used and victim demographics among other factors in order to understand what contributes to community violence.

Impacts of Housing Displacement on the Residents of Bethesda-Homewood Properties

In October 2017, more than 200 residents of predominantly Black neighborhoods in Pittsburgh’s East End were told that their rental subsidy would end within a month. This report looks at the impact of forced displacement and what types of social supports can help.

Violence in the City of Pittsburgh: Report Series

This series of reports presents data about homicides, shots fired, shootings and aggravated assaults with a firearm in the City of Pittsburgh. Demographic information about homicide victims and offenders, the […]

Reducing Street Violence in Allegheny County: Research & Recommendations

This report was prepared in response to concerns about high levels of street violence, particularly in certain areas of the county, and to support the joint efforts of the Allegheny […]

Violence in Allegheny County and Pittsburgh

This report provides a profile of community violence in Allegheny County in order to better understand the relationship with violence held by DHS consumers and clients. Click to read the […]
